Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finnaly I have made a blog

After creating my first blog on blogspot I realized that I had in fact misspelled the word blogging, I forgot the second g, needless to say I wanted to change it to the proper spelling, but I didn't know how to there may be a way to but I couldn't find out how. I tried and tried until finally I just said "forget it I'm making a new one this is too much trouble." That's when I came to my second dilemma, you can't actually delete the blog. I tried and all that happened what that the blog erased all of the info on it. Eventually I became annoyed enough after an hour of trying that I basically changed the name of the blog and left it. Now I think that I have finally created a blog that will work and i am relieved that I don't have to feel like an idiot for misspelling a relatively easy word. So here it is my first post. No congrats necessary.

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